Our Leaders

Elder James Carter was born and raised in Roper, North Carolina to two wonderful and supportive parents, James and Shirley Carter.
He has a continual love for basketball and while attending Plymouth High School, he was recognized as Most Valuable Player. Through his entire school year he received awards and recognition in the daily press. His talent and skill for the sport afforded him a four year scholarship to Shaw University in Raleigh, NC where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Management.
While attending Shaw University, Elder Carter met the woman of his dreams and his partner for life, Carrie “Lucky” Garner.
They pled their endless love for one anther and married May 16, 1998. Together they have one son, their pride and joy, Jawontae’ Carter.
This same year, Elder Carter became a part of The Glorious Church, under the leadership of the dynamic Bishop William S. Spain, his father in the gospel and mentor. Thereafter, he grew leaps and bounds while acquiring knowledge of biblical truth as he opened his heart and mind to the things of God. It was during this time, that he began to love the Lord and developed as a man of God. He accepted the call to ministry in November 2007 being ordained a Deacon and was later licensed as a Minister, both within the International Council of Pentecostal Ministries, Inc. For years, he served faithfully within the Glorious Church and the ICOPM as Chief Adjutant and in other areas of ministry.
Presently, he is pastoring with his wife, Pastor Carrie Carter, Hope and Deliverance Ministries in Garner, NC where they are doing a great work for the Kingdom. Together they have a mandate to reach a dying nation and declare God’s truth that there is hope for the hopeless and life for the lifeless and through God all things are and anything is possible.
Elder Carter is indeed a solder in the army of the Lord as he demonstrates contentment and steadfastness for his faith and belief in the one and only living God. He is a man of wisdom and strength. He often quotes and lives by II Timothy 2:3; “You therefore must endure hardship as a good solider of Jesus Christ.” He is truly an example that God can and will change you!